@extends($_layout . 'master') @section('title', $page_title) @include($_lib . 'register-meta') @section('breadcrumb.show', 'breadcrumb') @php $hasPromo = $product->hasPromo(); // $reviews = $product->getReviewData(); $hasOption = $product->hasOption(); $u = $product->getViewUrl(); $user = $request->user(); add_product_schema($product); $reviewAnalytics = $product->getReviewData(); $downPercent = $product->getDownPercent(); $listPrice = $product->priceFormat('list'); $finalPrice = $product->priceFormat('final'); @endphp @php $thumbnails = $product->getThumbnailOrderOption(); $thumbnailImages = [$product->getImage()]; if ($thumbnails) { foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbAttr) { if (is_array($attrValues = $thumbAttr->values) && count($attrValues)) { foreach ($attrValues as $attrVal) { if ($attrVal->thumbnail) { $thumbnailImages[] = $attrVal; } } } } } if ($product->gallery && count($product->gallery)) { foreach ($product->gallery as $item) { $thumbnailImages[] = $item->url; } } @endphp @section('content')
@if ($product->available_in_store > 0 && $product->status)
{{ scw_text('product_page_in_stock') }}

{{ $product->name }}

@if ($reviewAnalytics && $reviewAnalytics->total)
@php $rateAvgInt = $reviewAnalytics->rating_int; $rateAvgFlloat = $reviewAnalytics->rating_avg; // Danh gia trung binh @endphp {{-- lặp qua từ 0 den so sao --}} @for ($i = 0; $i < $rateAvgInt; $i++) @endfor {{-- nếu rate_avg > rate_int thì cộng thêm nữa sao --}} @for ($i = 0; $i < 5 - $rateAvgInt; $i++) @endfor ( {{ $reviewAnalytics ? $reviewAnalytics->total : 0 }})
@if ($product->price_status > -1) {{ $finalPrice }} @if ($hasPromo) {{ $listPrice }} @endif @else {{ scw_text('contact') }} @endif
SKU: {{ $product->sku }}
Vendor: leather
@csrf {!! $product->attributesToHtml([ 'section_class' => '', 'attribute_class' => '', 'attribute_name_class' => '', 'value_list_class' => '', 'value_item_class' => '', 'select_class' => '', 'image_class' => '', 'value_text_class' => '', 'radio_class' => '', 'value_label_class' => '', ]) !!}
{{-- --}}
{{ scw_text('product_page_payment_available') }}:
  • {{--
  • --}}
  • {{--
  • --}}
{!! $product->detail !!}

Returns within the European Union

The European law states that when an order is being returned, it is mandatory for the company to refund the product price and shipping costs charged for the original shipment. Meaning: one shipping fee is paid by us.

Standard Shipping: If you placed an order using "standard shipping" and you want to return it, you will be refunded the product price and initial shipping costs. However, the return shipping costs will be paid by you.

Free Shipping: If you placed an order using "free shipping" and you want to return it, you will be refunded the product price, but since we paid for the initial shipping, you will pay for the return.

Customer Reviews

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