@extends($_layout.'master') @section('title', $page_title) @include($_lib.'register-meta') @section('page.header.show', 'breadcrumb') @section('breadcrumb.disable_last_url', '1') @php $hasPromo = $product->hasPromo(); // $reviews = $product->getReviewData(); $hasOption = $product->hasOption(); $u = $product->getViewUrl(); $user = $request->user(); add_product_schema($product); $reviewAnalytics = $product->getReviewData(); @endphp @section('content')
@php $thumbnails = $product->getThumbnailOrderOption(); $thumbnailImages = []; if ($thumbnails){ foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbAttr){ if (is_array($attrValues = $thumbAttr->values) && count($attrValues)){ foreach ($attrValues as $attrVal){ if ($attrVal->thumbnail){ $thumbnailImages[] = $attrVal; } } } } } @endphp
@if ($thumbnailImages) @foreach ($thumbnailImages as $thumb)
@endforeach @endif @if ($product->gallery && count($product->gallery)) @foreach ($product->gallery as $item)
@endforeach @endif
@if ($thumbnailImages) @foreach ($thumbnailImages as $thumb)
@endforeach @endif @if ($product->gallery && count($product->gallery)) @foreach ($product->gallery as $item)
@endforeach @endif


    @if ($reviewAnalytics->total) @for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++)
  • @endfor @endif
  • {{$reviewAnalytics->total}} Đánh giá
@if ($hasPromo && $product->price_status > -1) {{$product->priceFormat('list')}} -{{$product->getDownPercent()}}% @endif
@if ($product->features)
Đặc điểm nổi bật
    @foreach ($product->features as $text)
  • {{$text}}
  • @endforeach
@endif @if ($ecommerce->allow_place_order && $product->price_status > 0 && $product->status > 0 && $product->available_in_store)
@csrf {!! $product->attributesToHtml([ 'section_class' => '', 'attribute_class' => '', 'attribute_name_class' => '', 'value_list_class' => '', 'value_item_class' => '', 'select_class' => '', 'image_class' => '', 'value_text_class' => '', 'radio_class' => '', 'value_label_class' => '', ]) !!}
Số lượng
Mua Ngay
Sản phẩm tạm hết hàng
{!! $html->product_detail_extra->components !!}
{!! $html->product_detail_after->components !!}

Chi tiết sản phẩm

{!! $product->detail !!}
{!! $html->sidebar_product->components !!}
@if ($reviewAnalytics) @php $ratingData = $reviewAnalytics->ratings; $productSettings = $options->theme->products; // $reviews = $product->getReviews(5, 'DESC'); // if($reviews){ // $reviews->path(route('client.products.reviews', ['slug' => $product->slug])); // } @endphp
@if ($reviewAnalytics->total)
{{$reviewAnalytics->total}} đánh giá
5 ({{$product->rating_5_count}})
Viết đánh giá

{{$productSettings->review_cta_title('Đánh giá sản phẩm ngay')}}

{{$productSettings->review_cta_description('Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.')}}

{{$productSettings->review_cta_description('Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.')}}

{!! $html->product_detail_append->components !!} @php add_js_src(theme_asset('js/sticky-cart-bottom.js')); @endphp


    @if ($reviewAnalytics->total) @for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++)
  • @endfor @endif
  • 120 Đánh giá
@if ($hasPromo && $product->price_status > -1)
{{$product->priceFormat('list')}} -{{$product->getDownPercent()}}%
@if ($ecommerce->allow_place_order && $product->price_status > 0 && $product->status > 0 && $product->available_in_store) {!! $product->attributesToHtml([ 'section_class' => 'selection-section', 'attribute_class' => 'form-group mb-0 product-attr-group', 'attribute_name_class' => '', 'value_list_class' => '', 'value_item_class' => '', 'select_class' => '', 'image_class' => '', 'value_text_class' => '', 'radio_class' => '', 'value_label_class' => '', 'input_id_prefix' => 'sticky-select-attr' ]) !!}
Sản phẩm tạm hết hàng